by JeVaughn J. Lancaster; Harika Rao; Brittany E. Kiser

Dr. JeVaughn Lancaster is a manager in the Instructional Design department at Lynn University. Dr. Lancaster’s professional interests include UDL and educational technology tools.

Dr. Harika Rao is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean in the College of Business and Management at Lynn University. Dr. Rao’s professional interests include assessment and following policy.

Dr. Brittany E. Kiser is an Assistant Professor and Early Childhood Education Coordinator in the College of Education. Dr. Kiser’s professional interests include standards-based instruction, pedagogy, and educational policy.

Technology and circumstances have opened doors to online education, and there are many reasons why students opt for online education. While online education offers the comfort of convenience, it also brings in several concerns of feeling alone, sitting in front of a device, and attempting to complete coursework with little support synchronously. Throughout this interactive session, you will have the opportunity to hear from different perspectives on how we have brought the classroom to the living room by enhancing our online offerings while building a sense of community.