by George Asimos and Leanne Havis

George Asimos is the Director of First-Year Writing and Writing Across the Curriculum at Neumann University.

Leanne Havis is the Dean of The Learning Commons at Neumann University.

ChatGPT has been hailed as the “greatest creative disruptor to education and instruction in a generation” and labeled a legitimate threat to academic honesty and student effort. Yet it may prove to be the ultimate opportunity for higher education to reflect on its purpose and goals. By reframing our aims so that students understand why writing and research practices are changing, we may make the learning process more meaningful for our students and, ultimately, promote deeper learning. In this presentation, participants will recognize the unique pedagogical opportunities posed by Chat GPT, devise writing assignments that require students to write from their own unique, individualistic voice, and recast faculty’s role in light of new developments in AI, encouraging students to synthesize information in a personally meaningful manner that promotes deeper learning.