by Kristen Lyons, Kim Livengood, Anica Cisneroz

Kim Livengood, a professor in the Department of C&I at Angelo State University, earned her doctorate in C&I with an emphasis on multicultural education from Texas A&M University.  She has been teaching online and web-blended courses for the last 16 years.  She developed and managed an online MA in C&I program and now oversees multiple online degree, certification, and certificate programs.

Dr. Kristen Lyons, an assistant professor in the Department of C&I at Angelo State University and School Psychologist, coordinates the Mental Health and Wellness Counseling program and the Online LPC Bridge. She has been teaching in the online environment and developing online courses full time for the past nine years.

Dr. Anica Cisneroz serves as an assistant professor within the Department of Teacher Education at Angelo State University. She currently oversees the Texas Two-Step Program, an online pathway for paraprofessionals to obtain teacher certification. Prior to her work in higher education, Anica was a secondary English teacher and dual credit instructor in the public-school system.

Students increase content knowledge and solve problems when creating multimedia presentations. This session will explore how multimedia presentations can be utilized to both engage online students and assess learning.  Throughout the presentation, participants will contribute ideas to shared documents/boards that will be available to them after the presentation.