What Matters Most: Assessing Values in Higher Education

by Dr. Michelle Blohm

With such strong emphases on the significance of graduating principled students, it is rather curious that many institutions still struggle to assess the extent to which institutional values are appropriated by students. This presentation focuses on questions surrounding the “closed loop” assessment of institutional values by addressing 1) the sources of institutional values, 2) the alignment of curricula and other learning experiences to institutional values, 3) methodologies for measuring value appropriation, 4) the process of drawing meanings and significations from evidence, and 5) implementing and documenting changes based on evidence. Of particular relevance to this discussion is using the process of assessment to achieve unity in diversity such that diverse values and interpretations of values are respected and fostered while still forming a united community of values.

Dr. Michelle Blohm is an Academic Compliance Specialist at Saint Francis University in Loretto, PA. She earned her doctorate from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA with an interdisciplinary dissertation on the topic of institutional mission assessment.