Engaging Students in a Multi-audience Classroom via Active Learning

Amy Kuntz is an Instructional Designer in Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) at Penn State and adjunct instructor at Northampton Community College. She partners with faculty in a consultative manner and works on intensive course redesign projects around immersive experiences including augmented reality, virtual reality, and 360 video. She also facilitates a university-wide Learning Design community, works large/strategic pedagogical redesign projects for the university, and conducts faculty engagement around TLT’s initiatives including blended learning and digital fluency.

Sara Davis is an instructional designer in the department of Teaching and Learning with Technology at Penn State University. She collaborates with partners across the university to implement a broad range of faculty engagement programs focused on emerging technologies and institutional initiatives such as OER, data-informed pedagogy, and digital fluency. She also co-facilitates a university-wide Learning Design community, consults with other instructional technology personnel to develop solutions focusing on innovative experiences for academic programs, departments, and similar units, and oversees extensive course-redesign projects from inception to completion.